Wednesday 6 February 2013

Our fav Jennifer Lawrence looking stunning at the Oscar Luncheon event

 Jennifer Lawrence (22) entered the Oscar Luncheon event looking as stunning as ever in black and white. I find this look in all of its simplicity to be one of her best looks so far. I mean, look at her, she's out of this world!

If there's beauty in struggle I don't see it

Sunday 3 February 2013

My latest B&W hearts





Help me skip to the good part!

25 Places You Have To Visit Before You Die

Hi! X
I am extremely bored and went searching for random stuff on Google, and I found this link with 25 places you have to visit before you die. Click >Here< to see it, and remember to go to the next page to see all 25 places!

Some of these incredible places is now totally on my bucket list! 

I find shelter, in this way. Under cover, hide away..

I sometimes think I want to disappear, but all I really want is to be found

Even If We Don't Have The Power To Choose Where We Come From, We Can Still Choose Where We Go From There.

//The perks of being a wallflower. 

I can't describe how much I love this movie. Charlie really moves me. I can relate to many feelings in the movie, and I think I cried my heart out like twenty times during it! X

Saturday 2 February 2013

Falling in love with Dan Howell

Dan hates being touched on his neck, and it's so cute!
Can't stop laughing
Yeah, you're still perfect
Imagine you make him laugh over skype
Imagine waking up to this!
So now I have heartache and can't go to school on monday either x

- Go check out his videos -